PAYSL Board Overview

Pflugerville Area Youth Soccer League (PAYSL) and Pflugerville FC (PFC) is a non-profit organization that depends on volunteers to deliver on our mission to provide quality and affordable youth soccer to the Pflugerville and surrounding areas. Our Board is comprised of the main sections of Recreational, Academy, Select, Administrative (non-voting) and Executive positions. If you are interested in serving on the Board, or would like to recommend someone, please fill out the nomination form. To view the Board members currently serving, visit our PAYSL Board page.


* These positions (or their title change) are pending the approval of a Board proposal


Why should I join the Board of Directors?

Make a difference

If you’re unhappy about something, chances are you’re not the only one who feels this way. Step up and take action to help bring about the changes you think are needed in the club.

Serve YOUR community

It’s great to see your hard work pay off in a successful season. Help players, parents, and coaches have a better playing experience

Exercise your talents

Do you have a special talent or skill that could help the club? Are you looking for ways to put your abilities to work and serve others, this is a great outlet. Running a club of this size takes plenty of active and engaged volunteers with various talents.

Registration discount

For the time and talent you donate to the league, the club will reward you with a discount on 1–2 player registrations per season.